Online Learning Blog

Good Managers Write Good Reports!

Published on 29th January 2015 by Diana Nadin

When I get queries from students, the one thing that comes up time and time again is writing reports. So many people have a mental block about it.

But, if you always work logically and follow a few basic tips it should be a straightforward task. So, before you write anything, you need to be absolutely clear about the answers to the following four questions:

WHY are you writing?

What is your purpose in writing the report? What are your aims and objectives? Without a clear purpose, there is no point in writing anything. There must be no doubt in your mind. It often helps if you come up with an appropriate title at this early stage as it helps to focus your thinking.

WHO are you writing for?

Who is going to read it? What kind of style should you use for this kind of reader? Communication is the art of passing on information needed by the readers in a form they can understand. So always keep the readers in mind: their background; level of education; familiarity with the subject and knowledge of the language.

WHAT are you writing?

What information is your report going to contain and where are you going to find this information? In order to write a good report, you must know how to use the resources available to you. Will you use the Internet, will you consult reference books, will you get quotes from manufacturers and retailers or will you need to interview people? When you’ve got all this information, you’ll have to decide what is useful and what is not. And above all, it must be accurate! Learn to recognise the difference between facts and opinions, between accurate figures and estimates. Don’t have any pre-formed opinions about the subject – start with an open mind, prepared to accept what you find out during your investigations.

HOW are you going to write it?

What kind of layout will it have? Do you have any idea of the main sections and sub-sections? What about the approximate length? What style and tone does it need? Most reports are formal – how formal will yours be?

Thorough preparation is essential, and the secret of success in report writing is to be systematic and thorough from the very beginning. So, you should always: think tidily, work methodically, argue logically and present facts simply!