Online Learning Blog

What Price Your Writing?

Published on 18th February 2015 by Diana Nadin

There seems to be a rash of articles in the press and various writers’ magazines bemoaning the low income that most writers have to exist on. But it still doesn’t seem to put people off wanting to write. And I don’t blame them.

But many of our students are more interested in earning a part-time or second income, and this is quite feasible, especially if you set your sights on writing non-fiction. It can be hard to imagine sitting down and penning a 100,000-word novel as a beginner, but if you adopt the right attitude, getting a regular stream of articles accepted and published is not impossible. There are thousands of online and print publication looking for material to fill their pages and with careful research – into both the topic you are covering and your target publications – there’s no reason why you shouldn’t succeed.

If you’ve always dreamed of writing but keep finding excuses (I’m too busy… I’ll do it when the children are a bit older… I’ll start when I retire…) you should seriously consider our Effective Time Management Course. Take on board all the great suggestions it makes and I guarantee you’ll free up enough time to realise those ambitions!