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Sharing your Writing

Published on 25th April 2014 by Emily in Creative Writing

Whether you're writing a short story a novel or an article, the hardest part is showing it to other people. It might sound silly, but there's something very personal about writing. It's easy to write for yourself, even if you do think you are your own worst critic, but writing for other people is a whole new experience. We'd like you to be brav...

Article Writing

Published on 16th April 2014 by Shelley Bowers in Creative Writing

So, you fancy writing articles and you know that they are one of the quickest ways to get published, but where do you start? Well, if you Google writing articles, you are no doubt going to be presented with a list of what are commonly known as content mills, which are places where you can, generally, find low paying jobs. Here's an article wit...

Connecting With Other Writers

Published on 9th April 2014 by Shelley Bowers in Creative Writing

Let's be honest, writing can be a lonely business. You'll probably spend many hours sat at your desk, or wherever, researching and writing by yourself. Some people cope with this fine, others not so well. If you fall into the latter category, here are some ideas for connecting with other like-minded individuals. Writers RetreatsA good way to g...

There's a Big Debate Raging

Published on 12th March 2014 by Shelley Bowers in Creative Writing

Does the name Hanif Kureshi mean anything to you? Well, if you've not heard already, he caused a bit of a scandal at the recent Bath Literary Festival, and a huge media storm, after commenting that writing courses are a waste of time. Why is it a scandal? He's entitled to his opinion isn't he? Yes, of course he is, but I would have thought that ...

Is Online Learning For You?

Published on 3rd February 2014 by Shelley Bowers in Creative Writing

So, you're thinking about online learning and you're wondering if it's for you. Well, there are lots of benefits to online learning. So let's look at them one by one. Flexibility - The first, and possibly number one, reason why people choose it, is flexibility. Online courses allow you to study when it's convenient for you - the course material...

Five Reasons to Write a Memoir

Published on 24th December 2013 by Susan in Creative Writing

There was a time when writing a memoir was considered to be something only 'celebrities' did, but not anymore! Here are five great reasons why you should write a memoir: Writing a memoir is a great way to preserve your story for future generations, especially if you've done something interesting or unusual. Sharing your life-experiences helps...