Report Writing Course

Improve your career prospects by learning to write clear, professional reports with this informative, step-by-step course. We’ll show you how to carry out research, what writing styles to use and how to plan and present your findings. By the time you’ve finished, you’ll be producing comprehensive, polished reports as and when required! So, have a read through the course synopsis below to see how this course can help you. Then enrol today and start studying straightaway!

Course Synopsis

Writing Style and Techniques I

Here we say ‘Hello’ and advise you how and when to study the course to get the best out of it. Then we move straight on to polishing your writing style. You’ll cover the eight different parts of speech, including pronouns, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives and you’ll look at the use of numbers in reports.

Writing Style and Techniques II

This module focuses on the 5 Cs of writing (correctness, conciseness, clarity, coherence and completeness), avoiding repetition, choosing and using the right words. Then we’ll move on to sentence structure and paragraphing.

Preparing To Write Your Report

Next we investigate the best ways to prepare for writing the report and the different kinds of reports you can use, including routine, special, technical and verbal reports. You’ll also look at how to define the purpose of the report, the readership you are writing for, the structure and organisation to use and style of the report. You’ll finish the module by looking at effective note taking and using abbreviations.

Form and Layout of Reports

This module is all about the layout you should use in your report. So, you’ll start off with the title page and move through the report structure until you reach the end. And we’ve provided a working example to refer to as you work through the module.

Constructing a Report

Here you’ll cover how to plan your report, starting with gathering and arranging your information, selecting what and what not to include and how to interpret what you’ve found. Then you move on to writing, presenting and checking the report for content and style.

Further Aspects Of Report Writing

Six great tips to help you overcome common difficulties that people tell us they have experienced.

Presenting Visual Information

There are a number of different presentation methods you can use to show information visually in your report. These include graphs, bar and pie charts, diagrams, plans and sketch maps, as well as photographs and tables.

Presenting a Verbal Report

Here we look at planning and polishing, using visual aids and practising until you feel confident of your presentation skills.

Tutor-marked Assignment

Your assignment will give you the chance to practise everything you have learnt in the course. Your tutor will give you invaluable feedback that will help you to build your confidence when writing reports.

By the end of the course you’ll be confident that you can produce comprehensive, professional reports as and when required.

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Report Writing Course

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Learn about Your Certificate

The Online Learning Circle Certificate of Completion

Example Certificate

The Online Learning Circle Certificate of Completion will be available for you to download and print out once you’ve successfully passed the five multiple choice self-tests. You’ll need to achieve a mark of 70% or above to pass the exam. However, if you don’t manage it the first time, it’s no problem, just go back, study some more and retake the exam when you are ready. In fact, we are so keen for you to complete the course successfully, you can take the exams as many times as you need to reach the 70% pass mark. Once you’ve achieved the required pass mark, you’ll be given access to correct answers for all the questions so you can see where you went wrong.

By taking this course you’ll gain all the tools to make your project a success. And, it only takes a few minutes to get started.