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View All Posts of May 2014

Why do you need a Business Writing Course?

Published on 23rd May 2014 by Emily in Creative Writing

You might think that you already know everything you need to know about writing in the workplace. After all, anyone can send an email, can’t they? But even though an email can seem more informal, if you’re using email in the workplace then you need to make sure that the correspondence you send out is appropriate and professional. Your emails wi...

Make a Fortune by Writing Fiction

Published on 16th May 2014 by Emily Ashton in Creative Writing

We’ve already talked about finding new markets and ideas for your non-fiction work, so it seems only fair that we do the same for fiction this week! Some writers find that writing fiction can be a lot more fun, because it gives you complete freedom to come up with new ideas. The problem is that the market for fiction is much more competitive, wit...

Making Your Calendar Work for You

Published on 9th May 2014 by Emily Ashton in Creative Writing

Writing non-fiction is by far the easiest way to get published and start making money from your writing. The market is bigger and less crowded, and the market for non-fiction work is wider and more varied.The problem most new writers seem to face is finding an idea for an article, and we completely understand! It can be a little bit intimidati...