Online Learning Blog

Five Top Tips for Travel Writing

Published on 25th February 2014 by Shelley Bowers

I realise that summer seems like a long way off, but this really is the time you should be thinking about proposing your travel articles for publication in the warmer months. And, remember you don't have to go anywhere to write travel articles - simply find somewhere of interest nearby and write about that. And to help you along, here are five top tips on writing travel articles:

1. Choose a different view!
Don't write about the usual stuff. Instead, try a different or unexpected angle. Let's take London as an example - avoid the usual tourist attractions and seek out something new. Is there an unusual walk you can take, maybe something related to famous book settings or a list of haunted bed and breakfasts you can visit?
2. Always do your market research. I cannot emphasise enough just how important this is. A lack of market research is what usually leads to publication failure, which is totally understandable, as a magazine such as Saga would probably not be interested in hearing about the best hip-hop clubs in London, no matter how exquisitely it's written.
3. If you do plan a trip somewhere new, be prepared! Get all the information you need before you arrive at your destination. You can do this by visiting local tourist board websites, reading blogs, articles and social media posts about the location. Then, when you get there, you don't have to spend time trying to find something interesting to do. Once you've arrived, gather as much information about the place as you can, including transport timetables, parking information, leaflets about local attractions and so on. And don't forget to talk to the locals - they have insider knowledge which is invaluable.
4. Make sure you have somewhere to note things as and when they happen. It's much more 'real' if you make notes of what you are smelling, seeing, touching at the time, rather than going back at a later time and trying to remember how it made you feel. And, once you've done those notes, write them up as soon as possible, so you don't forget what that weird shaped squiggle means.
5. Take lots of pictures! It's easy these days, especially with digital cameras and mobile phones with great quality cameras attached to them, so take advantage of what you've probably already got. The more high quality photos you can provide to the publisher, the more likely they are to accept your article.

Play your cards right and you could end up earning back the cost of your holiday!