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View All Posts of January 2015

Good Managers Write Good Reports!

Published on 29th January 2015 by Diana Nadin

When I get queries from students, the one thing that comes up time and time again is writing reports. So many people have a mental block about it. But, if you always work logically and follow a few basic tips it should be a straightforward task. So, before you write anything, you need to be absolutely clear about the answers to the following four q...

Features versus Benefits

Published on 21st January 2015 by Diana Nadin

If you’re running your own business, then you’re probably selling something – whether it’s goods or services. But, the only way you’re going to actually make a sale is by promoting your products and convincing people to buy them. (Unless, of course, they are so rare or wonderful that their fame spreads by word of mouth and people are que...

Facebook: face-to-face with real Books!

Published on 15th January 2015 by Diana Nadin

By now I’m sure that all of you have heard of Facebook boss, Mark Zuckerberg’s New Year resolution to read more books. But he’s also launched an online book club and the first title on his reading list is The End of Power by Moises Naim. Needless to say, the book has rocketed into the Amazon bestseller list and sold out. Had you heard of it?...

The Back-to-work Blues

Published on 7th January 2015 by Diana Nadin

January can be a very depressing month. After all the fun and excitement of Christmas and a break from routine it’s back to doing the same old thing, in the same old job for most people. Plus, in the UK, the weather is usually pretty grim! But, there are one or two things you can do about it. First, if you’re really dissatisfied with your job y...